Tips And Tricks To Crack IELTS

Tips And Tricks To Crack IELTS

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On your road to moving abroad, there’s a block named IELTS, that you need to cross. The international English language testing system IELTS tests your ability to confer and communicate in the English language per international standards. IELTS can become a nightmare but not if you are fully prepared. It is easy to crack IELTS if you are aware of the preparation method and practice well. IELTS exam assesses your knowledge and comfort in the English language on four parameters namely, speaking, listening, reading, and writing. British IELTS center is an IELTS center in bathinda that has helped thousands of students in Bathinda to crack their IELTS exam with good bands.

For you to ace this exam and score a good band number in IELTS, here is a guide providing you the tips and tricks to crack the IELTS exam:

Understand the format and plan accordingly

Having a clear understanding of the format of the question paper, and a proper plan on how to attempt it is really important. You need to be aware of the four sections namely, reading, writing, speaking, and listening. A candidate has to prove his proficiency in all four sections of the exam. For this study the format and types of questions that would come in the exam. Refer to the official IELTS website for sample question papers and formats to get the correct idea.

Take up mock tests

An unavoidable practice for scoring a high band score in IELTS is practicing daily with the help of mock tests, sample questions, and other study material. You can find a mock test on IELTS official website. This test gives you an idea of how the original test would be conducted and what are areas you need to work on.

Do not write too much

This is not a writing exam or a theory paper where you have to fill pages to score marks. The IELTS exam is meant to judge your fluency in the English language. Overwriting can result in deduction of marks, hence it is advised to stick to the word limit. Be precise and stick to what is being asked. Try answering the question correctly and not just fill pages with information from all around the globe.

Change your tone

You may be speaking or writing. Do not communicate your thoughts in monotony. Even while answering a question to an examiner, change your tone. Change of tone displays your expression and emotions and conveys your point easily to the other person. Monotony in a speech on the other hand creates disinterest and the examiner would end up deducting your marks. Express your thoughts and give your words a suitable tone to make your point clear.

Fluency over vocabulary

This exam does not evaluate you based on your knowledge of words but your fluency and comfort in speaking those words in English. At times candidates, to impress the examiner, use heavy words but end up making grammatical errors or errors in pronouncing that word correctly. This results in the deduction of marks. Make sure you use words that you are sure about so that you do not end up making any mistake.

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