How Long Is The GMAT Score Valid For

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When GMAT scores are released, they are good for 5 years from the date of testing.  After that, a GMAT score is no longer valid. GMAT percentiles may change after a GMAT test is taken and scored by GMAC. A GMAT percentile shows the percentage of GMAT takers with a score lower than yours was. So, as the new GMAT examinees take the exam each year and as the old ones retake it, your percentile can go up or down–even if your GMAT score has not changed at all! This does not have to be disconcerting because most students do not know their current or historiciles anyway.    It is more important to stress over GMAT preparation.

Otherwise, GMAC reserves the right to cancel or invalidate your GMAT score for any of the following reasons:

You cancel your scores within two days of taking the GMAT. GMAC might invalidate your GMAT score if you had taken it once before and received a higher scaled score on a subsequent GMAT test date.  GMAC generally does not require retaking the exam in this situation since they can analyze an applicant’s history with their institution. If you are applying to business schools outside North America, you should check their policy on multiple GMAT attempts. 

You bring prohibited materials into the test centre (cell phones, watches that contain any electronics, etc.). GMAC invalidates GMAT scores if you are repeatedly late or absent from the exam. GMAC needs to ensure proctor adherence to time limits throughout the GMAT test. If your score is cancelled this way, you will not be entitled to a refund of any GMAT fees that you have paid. GMAC can cancel your GMAT score for using prohibited aids during the GMAT test. This includes using calculators other than those outlined by GMAC and consulting reference materials of any kind during the GMAT test. You submit a fraudulent score report to schools or colleges.

GMAC cancels GMAT scores if you submit a GMAT score report indicating that you did not earn GMAT exam scores. Note: the GMAC Privacy Policy allows GMAC to disclose information about fraud or other violations of law and this Agreement to third parties, including but not limited to the affected schools and colleges, regulators, governmental agencies and law enforcement officials. You fail to comply with all testing rules or regulations set forth by GMAC. GMAC can cancel your GMAT score for submitting an invalid score report due to incorrect personal information such as name, date of birth, citizenship. 

GMAC also invalidates GMAT scores if the GMAT exam is not taken within two years after your initial test booking date. If GMAC cancels your GMAT score for any reason, you are not entitled to a refund.

When it comes to GMAT score validity, GMAC reserves the right to take away or invalidate a GMAT score at any time. However, in practice, this does not often happen unless an applicant commits fraud either on their application or during GMAT testing.  Remember that schools can see when and where you take the GMAT, so they know whether or not you took it on the day indicated on your score report.

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