Disinfection from Insects

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Too close proximity to insects for humans is most often unpleasant, in addition, it can be dangerous – crawling and flying pests can be carriers of dangerous diseases and harmful bacteria, spoil things, furniture and products. Professional destruction of insects is the fastest and most effective method of getting rid of any type of pests. Even if you cannot accurately determine the type of parasites, you can still get rid of them with the help of Pest Control Services. Disinfection from insects can be carried out indoors and in areas of any purpose.

Disinfection of insects in an apartment and a private house

Living quarters are extremely attractive for blood-sucking parasites and those pests who need easy access to food, water and heat for a comfortable life. In an apartment or private house, there is an abundance of both. Despite the presence of heating, the peak of activity of most insects in the premises coincides with the rhythms characteristic of nature, but there are those that do not obey it. The latter include the most difficult to remove pests – bedbugs and cockroaches.

In the Pest Control Services, you can order the destruction of insects:

  • On individual subjects.
  • In separate rooms.
  • Only in public areas (kitchen, bathroom, toilet, corridor). In the whole apartment or house as a whole.

Processing of a house or apartment can be carried out:

  1. By the method of cold fog.
  2. Hot fog.
  3. An integrated method that combines the first two.

If necessary, barrier means can be additionally used. This is extremely relevant, for example, when dealing with cockroaches that come from basements.

For disinfection from insects of apartments and houses,mosquito killer Singapore Company gives an official guarantee. It is fixed in the contract for the provision of services and, depending on the chosen method of processing, can be provided for a period of 1 to 3 years.

Disinfection of the site from insects

Insects in summer cottages and territories for various purposes in the open air in Singapore are a purely seasonal problem, but it occurs regularly.

Disinfection of the site from insects, as a rule, allows you to eliminate pests for a maximum of 1 season, although annual treatments from some types of pests can reduce their total number in the future, for example, this happens in the case of ticks.

In “Aardwolf Pestkare”, you can order the destruction of any insects living in the garden or on the territory, including:

  • Ticks
  • Mosquitoes
  • Aphids
  • Colorado beetles
  • Fruit and berry pests
  • Insect larvae in the soil

Many modern means for the destruction of street crawling and flying parasites, as well as preparations for indoor use, have a prolonged effect – after spraying, the insecticide continues to affect the pests in contact with it for another 1-1.5 months. This ensures a long-lasting processing effect. The number of necessary disinfections of the site for the spring-autumn season depends on the situation on it.

From earth pests, 1 treatment per season is enough, the exact multiplicity is established on the basis of the biological cycles of the destroyed insects.

When combating blood-sucking ticks, the number of parasites in the territory and the condition of the site matter – how overgrown it is with vegetation, sometimes 1-2 treatments per season are enough, sometimes more is required.

The multiplicity of plant treatments from parasites depends on the type of pests; you can clarify it with a pest control consultant. The number of treatments per season is only the recommendations of specialists, whether you decide whether to use them or not. In fact, the choice of the required number of disinfections of the site is always yours.

Disinfection of premises from insects

The most attractive premises for insects are where there is food suitable for them.

  • For cockroaches and flies – these are restaurants, cafes, food production and warehouses, food stores.
  • For bedbugs and fleas – hostels, hotels, rest homes, any premises where there are massive people.
  • For organizations, the absence of insects in the premises under their control is a legislative requirement for conducting activities.


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