5 proven ways to make money using WordPress

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Some might think that earning impressive money from WordPress isn’t within reach but the truth is when you have got competencies and relevant skills, then there’s no stopping you from earning money. There are various methods of making a decent living with WordPress. Earning money falls into three classes;

  • Earning revenue from your WordPress blogs directly by selling advertising or products.
  • Developing themes and plugins of WordPress.
  • Proposing WordPress professional services.

The five best methods of earning money with WordPress are:

  • Form WordPress themes – Developers and web designers are the finest moneymakers of WordPress as they can make a fortune by developing WordPress themes. However, you need not be a world-class designer for earning much money but you need to be mindful of the intention of your audience and customers. While designing a theme, you must be clear of the people whom you have been targeting; else, no one would purchase your products.
  • Form WordPress plugins – In the past few years, the number of WordPress sites has expanded exponentially. And so, the community of WordPress has released hundreds and thousands of plugins. For ensuring a steady cash flow, you must think of some issues that WordPress handles. Secondly, find out their solutions. After this, you must transform those solutions into different plugins. This way, customers will discover you. Additionally, it is also important to devote your time in analyzing some present plugins for making an impressive sum of money.
  • Form a blogging network – When you have a high-traffic blog of WordPress then you must transform it into some multisite network. Here, people will be paying you for setting up their personal blogs. So, you can make money by charging customers before they begin their blogs.
  • Turn into a content writer – When you are gifted with nice writing skill and you also possess worthwhile knowledge about WordPress then you can propose content writing services and it would be a wise choice. If you wish to discover WordPress-connected writing jobs, then you must visit various websites. Again, you can also use the contributor application page of some well-known WordPress websites and blogs. When you submit your posts there, you will get paid.
  • Begin your own blogs – Regardless of your plans for making money, you can always begin your WordPress blogs. You can develop a services page for proposing your capabilities. You can also expand your network circle along with influential bloggers for alluring more clients and views. When your blog becomes famous, you can use other methods of making money, like selling advertisements, affiliate marketing, sponsored reviews, etc.

Hence, it can be said that earning money from WordPress isn’t tough when you have the necessary skills and willpower. For more information, login to https://www.james-scholes.com/how-to-make-money-with-a-wordpress-blog/.

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